Issue 100
UDC 622.271.33
The aim of the work is to study the dependence of technical and economic indicators of career vehicles on the number and placement of reloading points in the working area of the quarry. In the course of the work, the following tasks were accomplished: establishing an analytical dependence for determining the optimal number of reloading points for their uniform location along the length and height of the working area; the study of the features of the change in the main technological indicators of the operation of quarry transport, depending on the number of crushing and reloading points of cyclic-flow technology, the productivity of the quarry and the dimensions of the working area.
The performed studies showed the possibility of a significant reduction in the costs of automotive-conveyor transport with the optimal number of several non-stationary crushing and reloading points. The results of the research can be used in the reconstruction of cyclical-continuous technology of deep quarries. The dependence of technical and economic indicators of career motor transport on the number and location of reloading points in the working area of the quarry was investigated. An analytical dependence has been established to determine the optimal number of reloading points for their uniform location along the length and height of the working area. The features of the change in the main technological indicators of the operation of a career motor vehicle are studied depending on the number of crushing and reloading points of cyclic-flow technology, the productivity of the quarry and the dimensions of the working area. The conditions for the simultaneous use of several crushing and reloading points, their main technological parameters, the optimal number of points along the horizontal and vertical lines, and the economic efficiency of using technological schemes with several reloading points are estimated. The conducted researches established that in all cases the optimization of the number of reloading points and their increase leads to a reduction in the number of dump trucks by 50-60% compared to the use of one reloading station. The increase in the number of reloading points with a simultaneous decrease in the number of dump trucks raises the reliability of career transport. The optimization of the number of reloading points reduces the required productivity of each crushing and reloading plant to 10-20 million tons / year. The use of mobile crushing and reloading points does not freeze ore reserves and does not hinder the development of the working area.Keywords: continuous mining technology, haulage level, crushing and transfer station
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9. Вилкул Ю.Г., Слободянюк В.К., Максимов И.И. Исследование технологических схем циклично-поточной технологии с несколькими перегрузочными пунктами / Ю.Г.Вилкул, В.К. Слободянюк, И.И. Максимов // Вісник Криворізького технічного університету. – Кривий Ріг: КТУ, 2009.– Вип. 23. – С. 3-6.
10. Вилкул Ю.Г., Слободянюк В.К., Максимов И.И. Оптимизация количества перегрузочных пунктов цик-лично-поточной технологии при открытой разработке / Ю.Г.Вилкул, В.К. Слободянюк, И.И. Максимов // Вісник Криворізького технічного університету. – Кривий Ріг: КТУ, 2011. – Вип. 27. – С. 3-6.A manuscript entered release 15.03.15
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UDC 622.235
The presented material proposes a new approach to initiating charges in an explosive block in the event of the need to preserve a protected object located near the slope of the ledge. The problem is solved by the method of analysis of wave and throwing action of charges of explosive substance and control of this action in the direction of achieving two results, which contradict each other. Namely, to reduce the width of the collapse in the direction of the slope of the ledge, which is to be destroyed and overcome the overvalued values of the resistance to the soles in front of the first series of wells. At the same time, ensuring the high quality of the overproduction of resistance to the soles in front of the first series of wells is improved due to the directed wave action of explosive charges from the depth of the explosive block in the mode of addition in the direction of slope of the ledge at an interval of slowing between them 25 ms. At the same time, in order to reduce the width of the collapse, a reorientation of the throwing action of the charge in the first row of wells, which is undermined by the latter, is carried out by installing between them and his previous charge in the second series of wells in the 176 ms slowing interval. Such a technical solution leads to the creation of a new free surface in front of the charge of the first row, which is a competitor to the free surface of the slope of the ledge. Since the distance to the new surface is almost twice less than that of a real slope of the ledge, the bulk of the throwing action of the charge in the first row of wells is reorientated in the direction of the previously exploded charge in the second row.
For cases of works that require the preservation of a protected object located near the slope of the ledge from excessive spillage of pieces of rock during the explosion, the use of slowness intervals of 176 ms for wells located in the first row is proposed. In this case, the initiation of charges begins with the depth of the block, with the possibility of forming series of charges in the group.Keywords: row of mining holes, direction of hay-crop of ledge, initiation of charges.
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UDC 622.235.62
The general process of destruction of enriched ores can be represented as a three-link chain: explosive ore preparation during drilling and blasting operations – mechanical ore preparation on crushers – mechanical grinding in drum mills. The purpose of this work is to develop requirements for the granulometric composition and strength of ores for the processes of self-reduction of ferruginous quartzites. It is shown that as the quarries deepen into the quality of rock crushing, the explosion is affected not only by technological and energy factors of drilling and blasting operations, but also by changes in the strength and water cut of rocks with depth. The problem of the complex influence of these factors on the quality of fragmentation required its solution.
It was necessary to determine the degree of influence of natural, technogenic and energy factors on the quality of explosive crushing of ores. Studies have established that the following factors influence the quality of explosive preparation of the rock mass of the required lumpiness: natural – fracturing of ores, strength, structure and texture, water cut; technological – the diameter of the downhole charge of the explosive, the net of wells, the number of explosive rows, the magnitude of the charge column of the explosive, the blasting scheme, the deceleration interval; energy – the type of explosive, the density of the explosive. The destruction of ore in the course of mining and dressing production should be considered as a single process consisting of three stages: explosive ore preparation (drilling and blasting operations); mechanical ore preparation (crushers); mechanical grinding (drum mills).
The basic requirements for the granulometric composition and strength of ores for the processes of self-reduction of ferruginous quartzites are formulated in the work. It is established that, other things being equal, the productivity of the self-grinding mills is maximal with the minimum content of intermediate fractions in the feed and the optimal yield of grinding media is independent of the strength of the ore. It is determined that for the InGOK ores the optimal yield of the class +100 mm, which ensures the maximum productivity of the mills, is 50-55%. The carried out researches are a base for development of new methods for purposeful preparation of ore for the process of self-crushing.Keywords: ore preparation, autogenous milling, blast.
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2. Фокин В.А., Точунов М.Б., Сёмкин С.В. К вопросу оценки качества дробления взорванной горной массы при производстве буровзрывных работ в карьерных условиях / В.А. Фокин, М.Б.Тогунов, С.В. Семкин // Горный журнал, 2013, №12, С.54-56.
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18. Чантурия В.А., Вайсберг Л.А., Козлов А.П. Приоритетные направления исследований в области переработки минерального сырья / В.А.Чантурия, Л.А.Вайсберг, А.П. Козлов // Обогащение руд, 2014, №2. – С.35-40.A manuscript entered release 17.03.15
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UDC 622.272
The need to involve in the underground mining deposits of magnetite quartzites lying in the fields of the operating mines of Kryvbas, in order to expand the resource base of underground mines and reduce the intensity of mining rich ores, is an urgent problem.
The carried out technical and economic analysis of the floor-chamber system of development with the breaking of ore and vibro-release of it showed that the mine, Ordzhonikidze\’s technology of underground mining of magnetite quartzites is characterized by low technical and economic indicators in comparison with a similar technology based on self-propelled machinery.
To establish the patterns of changes in ore extraction rates from the thickness of the collapsed ceiling and the distance between loading races using the trench bottom of the block and self-propelled loading and unloading machines, laboratory studies were carried out that allowed to establish optimal parameters for the ceiling and trench bottom structures.
As a result of laboratory studies, the regularities of the change in losses and clogging of ore have been established, which allowed us to justify the dimensions of the structural elements of the trench blocks of the blocks.
A passport for a chamber-and-chamber system for the development of powerful deposits of magnetite quartzites with the use of self-propelled technology has been developed, which should be used in the design of underground mining of deposits of magnetite quartzites at the operating mines of Krivbass.
A high-performance floor and chamber system for the development of steeply dipping powerful deposits of magnetite quartzites with the use of self-propelled drilling rigs and loading and transporting machines has been developed, which will improve the technical and economic performance of the system by 1.5-2 times. On the basis of the proposed technology, a passport for the surface-chamber system for the development of powerful deposits of magnetite quartzites with the use of self-propelled engineering was developed, which should be used in the design of underground mining of deposits of magnetite quartzites at the operating mines of Krivbass. The expansion of the raw material base of the underground Kryvbas to increase the life of iron ore mines and prevent the reduction in the volume of production of commodity ores is possible with the attraction to underground mining of magnetite quartzites that occur at the upper horizons in the fields of operating mines with sufficient lifting capacity, developed infrastructure and skilled mining personnel.Keywords: quartzites of magnetite, parameters of block, trench bottom, loading arrivals, deliverable thirl, loading, delivery of ore, indexes of exception of ore, equivalent materials, losses, obstructions of ore.
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UDC 622.272
An important question in the concept of the possible destruction of the environment under the action of impulse loads in the interaction of well charges of explosives is the laws of propagation and repayment of energy of stress waves in a medium possessing certain elastic constants. The energy of the shock wave (later transformed into a stress wave) is determined by the energy of the explosive decomposition of explosives and the conditions of its transition into the elastic energy of rocks of different characteristics, which determines the possible stress state of the medium and its duration, thanks to which the wave is being operated.
In the practice of drilling and blasting operations, methods of controlling the explosion energy based on the use of the interaction process of downhole charges are successfully used.
Destruction is a function of the stresses of the rock, the rate of failure is characterized by the frequency of crack initiation, the speed of their propagation, and the duration of destructive stresses. The main factors determining the process of destruction are the magnitude of the stresses that arise in the rock mass in the explosion of the explosive charge, the duration of the stress state and the physical and mechanical properties of the medium. Regulation of the process of rock destruction can be carried out by changing the parameters of the explosive loading time.
Obviously, one of the directions for increasing the efficiency of blasting operations in conditions of open mining of minerals is the research and development of methods for controlling the energy of the explosion, based on the interaction of borehole charges with explosives that explode in one stage of deceleration. According to the results obtained, blasting in the slow-deceleration mode is efficient and rational from the point of view of the energy picture of the destruction of the mountain massif.
One of the ways to increase the efficiency of blasting operations in conditions of open mining of minerals is to study and develop methods for controlling the energy of an explosion based on the interaction of downhole charges of explosives that are detonated in one stage of deceleration. According to the results obtained, blasting in the slow-deceleration mode is efficient and rational from the point of view of the energy destruction of the rock.Keywords: wells, charge of explosives, blasting, rock mass.
1. Ефремов Э.И. Взрывание с внутрискважинным замедлением. – Киев: Наукова думка, 1971. – 172 с.
2. Друкованный М.Ф., Куц В.С. Ильин В.Н. Управление действием взрыва скважинных зарядов на карьерах. – М.: Недра, 1980. – 223 с.
3. Бротанек И., Вода И. Контурное взрывание в горном деле и строительстве. – М.: Недра, 1983. – 143 с.
4. Cherepanov G.P. On the theory of fluidization, part I. General model. Ind. Enqnq chemistry fundamentals 11. – № 1. – 1372.
5. Миндели Э.О., Кусов Н.Ф. Корнеев А.А., Марцинкевич Г.И. Комплексное исследование действия взрыва в горных породах. – М.: Недра, 1978. – 253 с.
6. Воробьев В.Д., Перегудов В.В. Взрывные горные работы в скальных породах. – Киев: Наукова думка, 1984. – 238 с.
7. В.Н. Мосинец, А.В.Абрамов. Разрушение трещиноватых и нарушенных горных пород. – М.: Недра, 1982. – 248 с.
8. Механический эффект подземного взрыва / Родионов.В.Н., Адушкин В.В. и др. / Под. ред. М.А.Садовского. – М.: Недра, 1971. – 220 с.
9. Физика взрыва / Баум Ф.А., Орленко Л.П., Станюкович К.П. и др. / Под. ред. К.П.Станюковича. – М.: Наука, 1975. – 407 с.
10. Родионов В.Н. К вопросу о повышении эффективности взрыва в твердой среде. – М.: Изд-во ИГД АН СССР,1962. – 29 с.
11. Ханукаев А.Н. Энергия волн напряжений при разрушении пород взрывом. – М.: Госгортехиздат, 1962. – 200 с.A manuscript entered release 18.03.15
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UDC 622.272
The work is devoted to solving the actual problem of improving the concepts of system management of underground mining processes taking into account the stress-strain state of the rock and the impact of existing technologies of underground extraction of minerals on the preservation of the day surface in the fields of existing and spent mines.
An analysis of the influence of chamber system development and systems with the destruction of ore and enclosing rocks on the nature of the violation of the surface with the formation of craters, dips and areas of collapse. The variant of mathematical modeling of underground extraction of magnetite quartzite with diagrams and size of deformations is given.
On the basis of the performed studies of the stress-strain state of the rock, the theoretical possibility of destruction of the interchamber pillar left between the exhaust chambers was substantiated. In the example of mined-out of magnetite quartzite in the Ordzhonikidze mine PJSC CGOK was presented the practical possibility of such an assumption, when the calculated parameters of the size of the pillars in the Ordzhonikidze mine did not provide a safe technology for underground extraction of magnetite quartzite, which led to the destruction of interchamber pillars and sudden subsidence of the daytime surface.
The method, which guarantees the impossibility of failures and dissolution of the surface based on the application of development systems with hardening of the backfilling, is substantiated. It is proved that this technology allows to store the undamaged day surface using a hardening backfilling to fill the waste treatment space. The attention is focused on separate technological schemes, which involve the utilization of waste rock and waste products in the spent space of the treatment units. The advantages of iron ore extraction technology with hardening backfillingo f the mined-out space are given.
The conclusions state that none of the highly developed mining countries of the world does not produce minerals in the city boundaries without the next laying of the produced space. Therefore, further research should be aimed at developing and improving the existing technologies of underground mining of iron ore by development backfillings sytems of the mined-out space.Keywords: stressed-deformed state of the rock, empty rocks, ore collapse, magnetite quartzites.
1. Определение и контроль допустимых размеров конструктивных элементов систем разработки на рудниках Кривбасса / Минчермет УССР. – Кривой Рог: НИГРИ, 1987. – 75с.
2. Инструктивные указания по определению параметров этажно- камерных систем разработки по условиям проявления горного давления с увеличением глубины ведения работ на шахтах Кривбасса // Изд. НИГРИ. Кривой Рог. – 1965. – 68с.
3. Определение геометрических параметров камерных систем разработки в Кривбассе со сводообразной и шатровой формами обнажения потолочин. – Инструкция. В.В. Цариковский, В.В. Сакович, П.И. Кишкин, А.Ф.Артеменко, А.Ф. Мигуль.- Кривой Рог: НИГРИ. – 1994. – 17 с.
4. Влох Н.П., Ушков С.М. К вопросу определения предельного пролета выработанного пространства // Сб. научн. трудов НИГРИ. – Кривой Рог. – 1968. -Т.2. – С. 112-116.
5. Визначення та контроль допустимих розмірів конструктивних елементів систем розробки залізних руд/Інструкція по застосуванню. СОУ-Н МПП 73.020-142:2010.Київ.2010. 122 с.
6. Исследование и разработка геомеханического обоснования технологических схем отработки богатых руд с повышенной устойчивостью конструктивных элементов. В.В. Цариковский, В.В. Сакович. – Отчет НИГРИ. – № ГР018800522136. – Кривой Рог. – 1989. – 74 с.
7. Протодьяконов М.М. Давление горных пород и рудничное крепление. Ч.1. М.-Л. – Новосибирск. – Госгортехиздат, 1933. – 126с.
8. Слесарев В.Д. Механика горных пород и рудничное крепление. – М.: Углетехиздат, 1948. – 302с.
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10. Ветров С.В. Допустимые размеры обнажений горных пород при подземной разработке руд – М.: Изд. «Наука», 1975. – 232 с.
11. Трумбачев В.Ф, Мельников Е.А. Распределение напряжений в целиках и потолочинах камер // Сб. «Исследование распределения напряжений вокруг горных выработок». – Углетехиздат, 1959. – 44с.
12. Калініченко О.В. Інформаційні технології – складова процесів моніторингу та керування напружено-деформованим станом масиву / Ступнік М.І., Калініченко В.О., Калініченко О. В., Музика І.О., Федько М.Б., Письменний С.В. / Розробка родовищ 2015: щорічний науково-технічний збірник / редкол.: В.І. Бондаренко та ін.– Д: Літограф, – 2015. – С. 175–183.
13. Калініченко О.В. Визначеня економічних ризиків від порушень денної поверхні в результаті підземного видобутку руд / Ступнік М.І., Калініченко В.О., Калініченко О.В. / Вісник КНУ: Кривий Ріг, 2012. – Вип. 32. – С. 246-250.
14. Калініченко О.В. Економічна оцінка ризиків можливих геомеханічних порушень денної поверхні в полях шахт Кривбасу / Ступнік М.І., Калініченко В.О., Калініченко О.В. / Науковий вісник Національного гірничого університету. – Дніпропетровськ. – 2012. – № 6. – С. 126-130.
15. Сучасні технології розробки рудних родовищ: Збірник наукових праць за результатами роботи ІІ Міжнародної науково-технічної конференції. – Кривий Ріг: Видавничий дім, 2012. – 140 с.A manuscript entered release 17.04.15
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UDC 536.75
The author outlines the topic of the physics course \”Entropy S and the characteristic functions of the state of the thermodynamic system\”, which definitely needs to specify the coverage of the links between the objects of study, although in general the advantage is given to the abstracting technique. When substantiating the necessity of the proposals specifying the additions to the presentation of the topic, the author relies on the conclusions of psychology and pedagogy.
The plan for studying the topic is given by a table of study objects with their analytical expressions. The motivating factor is a demonstration of the TS-diagram of the Carnot cycle (from the course of technical thermodynamics), the emphasis on its expediency and peculiar simplicity compared with the pV-diagram of this cycle.
The ability to take the OS axis coordinates is grounded analytically and visually – through the demonstration of the distributions of two molecules in two and three space-energy cells; formulated conclusions.
The existence of the maximum value of the entropy of Smax and the representation of the characteristic functions on the TS-diagram of the isothermal process is further substantiated. The development of the proposed approach to the presentation of the topic is due to the need to increase the efficiency of the educational process. This is possible due to the fact that the traditional text of the topic (with analytical symbols) is represented by graphic symbols, is specified.
Since the curriculum changes after the relevant proposals and proposals of scientists and educators, and now the general physics program introduced the consideration of the concepts of entropy and characteristic functions of thermodynamic processes, and in the literature, these issues are not sufficiently highlighted, then the author suggests the introduction of the following proven additions.
The main additions proposed by the author to specify the actual material of this topic and its grouping is a holistic tabular image – the distribution of two molecules by space-energy cells (Boltzmann\’s statistics) and a holistic graphic representation of the complex of characteristic functions on the TS-diagram (author\’s). The author argues that these additions contribute to the assimilation of physical concepts of the topic. At present, these additions can be submitted in the reference note, and in the future – as a supplement to the textbook.Keywords: thermodynamics, entropy, state function, characteristic functions, thermodynamic system, isothermal process, Carnot cycle, TS-diagram, complete graphic image, free energy, associated energy.
1. Болгарский А.В., Голдобеев В.И., Идеатулин Н.С., Толкачёв Д.Ф. Сборник задач по термодинамике и теплопередаче. – М.: Высшая школа, 1972. – 304 с.
2. Грищенко Г. Курс теоретичної фізики. Основні поняття статистичної фізики: навчальний посібник для студентів вищих навчальних закладів. – К.: НПУ ім.. М.П. Драгоманова, 2005. – 43 с.
3. Гулка З., Тудес С. Ейдетичні методи у навчанні. // Педагогічні науки. Зб. наук. праць. – Вип. 15. – ч.1. – Херсон: Айлант, 2000. – С. 36-40.
4. Ицкович А.М. Основы теплотехники. – М.: Высшая школа, 1970. – 304 с.
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9. Микольченко В.С. Фылософсько-свытоглядны засади освыти. // Пыдготовка фахывцыв у системы профосвыти. Матерыали Всеукраънськоъ науково-методичноъ конференцыъ. – Кривий Ріг: КТУ, 2009.- С. 23-25.
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11. Несмашний Є.О. Класична механіка. Молекулярна фізика і термодинаміка. – Кривий Ріг: Видавничий Дім, 2008.- 211 с.
Осипов А.И. Термодинамика вчера, сегодня, завтра. Часть 1. Равновесная термодинамика / Соросовский Образовательный Журнал. 1999. №4. – С. 79-85.
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13. Повар С.В., Повар Н.В. Приклади застосування теорії ймовірностей. // Природнича освіта і наука для сталого розвитку України: проблеми і перспективи/ матеріали Всеукраїнської науково-практичної конф. – Суми: Вид-во «Ярославна», 2014 р. – С. 56-58.
14. Савельев И.В. Курс общей физики, т.1. – М.: Наука, 1978. – 470 с.
14. Столяренко Л.Д. Основы психологии. – Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2001. – 672 с.
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15 Фриш С.Э., Тиморева А.В. Курс общей физики, т.1. – М.: Госизд.техн.-теорет.лит., 1954. – 464 с.
16. Яворский Б.М. и Детлаф А.А. Справочник по физике: 3-е изд.- М.: Наука. Гл. ред. физ.-мат. лит., 1990. – 624 с.A manuscript entered release 28.03.15
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UDC 332.6
Today, taxation of land plots at public catering establishments is a topical problem, which is that the development and efficient functioning of this sector is an extremely acute problem in the current crisis of Ukraine in connection with the presence of a number of unresolved problems, among which is a complex political situation, corruption, controversial and ambiguous legislation, high tax burden and, consequently, significant shadowing of the economy.
The ways of filling the income part of local budgets through taxation of the places of catering establishments are offered. The main catering establishments according to the order of the executive body of the Kyiv City Council, fees for the use of land from public lands for the placement of sites near public catering establishments are given as a rent for the land of state or communal property. The development and effective functioning of this sector is an extremely acute problem in the current conditions of the crisis situation in Ukraine due to the presence of a number of unresolved issues, including difficult political situation, corruption, controversial and ambiguous legislation, high tax burden and, consequently, significant shadow economy. Ensuring the proper functioning of land for public use, taking into account plans of the land and economic arrangement of the respective settlement. The questions of areas for food as a place for provision of nutrition services at a stationary restaurant restaurant are considered. According to the results of the elaborated material, it has been established that the majority of sites at public catering establishments are concentrated in the city center and near public centers; in these territories the cost of land is higher than the average, and therefore the amount of revenues in reality will be greater. The objects of the study were selected sites located in the Pechersk and Shevchenko districts of Kyiv, entering the territory of the historical city center. The objects are listed in the addressing of open areas for food at the in-house restaurants.Keywords: taxation, land plots, sites, research objects.
1. Земельний кодекс України № 2768-ІІІ від 25.10.2002.
2. Податковий кодекс України Відомості Верховної Ради України (ВВР), 2011, № 13-14, № 15-16, № 17, С. 112.
3. Рішення Київської міської ради від 26.07.2007 №43/1877 «Про затвердження технічної документації з нормативної грошової оцінки земель м. Києва та порядку її визначення.
4. Наказ міністерства регіонального розвитку, будівництва та житлово-комунального господарства України від 21 жовтня 2011 року № 244 «Про затвердження Порядку розміщення тимчасових споруд для провадження підприємницької діяльності», зареєстрованого в Міністерстві юстиції України 22 листопада 2011 року за № 1330/20068.
5. Рішення Київської міської ради від 04.02.2014 № 6/10152 «Про бюджет м.Києва на 2014 рік.
6. Порядок визначення обсягів пайової участі (внеску) власників тимчасових споруд торговельного, побутового, соціально-культурного чи іншого призначення для здійснення підприємницької діяльності, засобів пересувної дрібнороздрібної торговельної мережі в утриманні об\’єктів благоустрою м. Києва та внесення змін до деяких рішень Київської міської ради», від 25 грудня 2008 року № 1051/1051 «Про Правила благоустрою міста Києва».
7. ДП «Інститут генерального плану міста Києва» ВАТ Київпроект: Чекмарьов В.Г., Жолтовський В.О.;
8. Закон України «Про благоустрій населених пунктів»
9. Правила благоустрою міста Києва, затверджені рішенням Київради від 25.12.2005р. № 1051/1051.A manuscript entered release 14.03.15
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UDC 622.281.4
The use of spraying in modern mine construction is the most effective, and often, the only possible way of fixing mining operations. spraying is useful to concrete surfaces of a complex configuration when difficulties arise in connection with sealing of concrete mixes by vibrators and significant costs for the formwork are required, as well as in cases of higher water demands, water resistance, adhesion efficiency, thixotropy, dynamics of grip and strength set. The application of this method makes it possible to simplify the transport of concrete mix to the laying site, which actualizes the question of the factory\’s manufacture of the latter.
The article is devoted to finding ways to improve the efficiency of sprayed-concrete support. It described the conditions of mining operations in modern mines and major problems associated with fastening of underground mining (mining support). It analyzes the development of the science of mining support and concreting rocky surfaces. The main problems of mine construction building materials in Ukraine. The analysis of the market of construction dry mixes Concrete works in underground conditions. Perspective directions for solving the problems associated with concrete rock bolting. The analysis of the technological properties of sprayed concrete mixes BUDMIX KR; compliance with the requirements of these composition of mining construction and specifics of underground workings, as well as potential producers of the products in the present conditions to address emerging resource problems. The article also discussed laboratory studies sprayed concrete mixes and analyzed the results. Identify the main features and characteristics of concrete composition of different composition. Presented as experimental testing of new concrete for fixing underground cavities and evaluation of the proposed technology. We consider expert opinions of various commissions and courts. Possibilities broad introduction to the mountain practice considered construction materials and real prospects for the further development of technologies based on them.Keywords: sprayed concrete, spraying, dry mix, the strength of concrete lining.
2. Мостков В.М., Воллер И.Л. Применение набрызгбетона для проведения горных выработок. -М.: Недра, 1968. -127с.
4. Атманских C.A. Исследование процессов возведения набрызг-бетонной крепи в горизонтальных горных выработках.// Кандидатская диссерта-ция.-Свердловск.-1969. -С.23.
5. Голицинский Д.М., Маренный Я.И. Набрызгбетон в транспортном строительстве. -М. :Транспорт.-1993.-152с.
6. Батраков В.Г. Модифицированные бетоны. -М. -1998. -768с.
7. Darbi M.L. Sprayed concret-material with great potential. Water schvices, 1981, v.85, N 1020, P.80-81.
8. Tunnels and tunnelling. -1988. -T.20. -№10. -c. 18-20.
9. Reading G., Sanierung mit dem Betonspritzverfahren. BD Baumaschinendinst. -1980.-N8.-S.662-663.
16. manuscript entered release 14.03.15
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UDC 622.794
Briquetting, selective flocculation, agglomeration and granulation of coal with binders provide the formation of coal-reagent structures – briquettes, flocculates, agglomerates and granules. The study of their structure, in particular, the thickness of the binding films, the distance and the location of the grains, the density of the packing of grains, is impossible without microscopic research. At а time, it is from these parameters that a number of technological characteristics of coal-reagent structures depend essentially on their strength, resistance to crushing which is especially important in the main hydraulic transport, coking properties, combustible characteristics, etc. The purpose of the article is to acquaint the scientific environment with opportunities and experiences, as well as concrete examples of application of the domestic method of preparation and microscopic study of coal-binding complexes.
The article is devoted to the topic of microscopic research of \”coal-reagent\” complexes. It is shown that the technique of preparation and microscopic studies of coal-reagent structures developed by us is an effective method of studying the technological processes of aggregation of small coal grains, in particular, briquetting, selective flocculation and granulation. Simultaneously with other methods, it allows to identify objects of 1-10 micrometers or more, to classify coal-reagent complexes (we propose to allocate four types of \”coal-reagent\” complexes), study the surface of coal grains and penetrate the reagent into pores and cracks. Performed microscopic investigations of coal of a number of metamorphisms show the presence of local and extensive areas on the surface of coal grains with projections, depressions, shells, trichomes, sharp angles, discharges, pores and so on. elements of the surface. The microscopy of the \”coal-reagent\” structures allows us to assess the nature of the auto-geese contact of grains of coal along the surface oil film, in particular contact with structured boundary films, which is very important for establishing the strength of the communication of the elements of the complex. In addition, microscopy can be used to evaluate the oxidation of the coal surface. The possibility of Microscopic fixation on Becky\’s strip of coal is shown. Further research is advisable to develop a method for quantifying the oxidation of coal grains over the thickness of Beck\’s strips.Keywords: microscopy, coal and oil pellets floccules, pellets, agglomerates.
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UDC 001.891.574: 624.137
The lack of sufficiently accurate means for measuring the volumetric flow of a sand product in the sand trough of a mechanical spiral classifier inhibits the automation of pulp thawing in a ball mill, which results in significant economic losses as a result of over-consumption of electric energy, balls and lining. The solution of this scientific and technical task contributes to the improvement of the technological process and the increase of the efficiency of crushing ore. The purpose of this work is a theoretical study of active and passive scanning of the surface of open material flows with the definition of their features and areas of application.
Over-consumption of electric energy, balls and lining when grinding primary ore in ball mills increases the cost of magnetite concentrate, which is largely due to the lack of sufficiently accurate and reliable means of measuring the volumetric flow of crushed material and the sand product of a mechanical spiral classifier. The solution to this problem is the relevance of this work. Its purpose is a theoretical study of active and passive scanning of the surface of open material flows with the definition of their features and areas of application. Scanning of the surface of open streams is most effectively carried out by a beam of a given length, fixed at a certain point above the stream with the possibility of rotation, and the free end of which interacts with the moving material. In active scanning, the free end does not touch the surface of the stream, and in the passive – slides on it. Passive and active scanning devices provide the precision and reliability required in many technological conditions. They can be successfully used in controlling the cost of materials in the enrichment industry. A passive scanning device, as a simpler, is advisable to use in all possible cases. The scope of active scanning devices is the streams with strong material sticking, small densities, velocities and abrasive wear. Passive scanning devices are quite well suited for measuring the sand flow of mechanical single-spiral classifiers.Keywords: unispiral classifiers, scanning device, active and passive scan-out, over-consumption of electric energy.
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17. А.с. 388790 СССР, МКИ В 03 В 11/00. Устройство для автоматического контроля загрузки и стабилизации разижения пульпы в мельнице / Ф.Н. Дегтярев, А.А. Мерзляков, В.А. Кондратец, В.И. Новохатько, Н.И. Кучма, Т.И. Гуленко (СССР). – № 1420849/29-33; заявл. 30.03.70; опубл. 05.07.73, Бюл. № 29.
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20. Милович А.Я. Теория динамического взаимодействия тел и жидкости / Милович А.Я. -– М: Госиздат лит. по строит. и архит., 1955. – 310 с.A manuscript entered release 14.06.15
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UDC 622.72: 622.341
Changes in the quality of the ore flow are unavoidable, but a very important indicator is to limit the magnitude of the oscillations to a certain range and to ensure compliance with this range. The boundaries of the range are dictated by the conditions of enrichment production. The ability to withstand the content within the preset limits allows one to withstand the optimal enrichment regime, which ensures the most rational technological and economic indicators, including the minimum cost index. The quality of the products of the mining and processing plant determines the value of its selling price. The price of a unit of production, in turn, is directly correlated with the profit indicator of the enterprise.
The quality of the ore rudimentary stream, characterized by an indicator of the standard deviation of the content of the useful component, affects the profit of the iron ore mine. The most costly process is enrichment. The quality of the initial ore (ore flow) significantly affects the level of the cost price of enrichment. Providing a given indicator of the quality of the ore flow allows optimizing the enrichment process and reducing costs. In the studies, an imitation modeling of the process of formation of the ore flow with various indices of the mean square deviation of the useful component content at different grinding levels was used and calculations were performed using a computer program. Based on the results of the studies, graphs were plotted for predicting profit margins from the grinding size for various values of the standard deviation in the pit ore flow for PJSC \”InGOK\” and PJSC \”PGOK\” and the dependencies of the profit indicators on the value of the coefficient min imax were established.
The more realistic is the achievement of grinding size of 75 microns, while the forecasted value of profit relative to the size of 30-60 microns to 30 -50 million UAH is observed.
The increase in the standard deviation per unit causes a decrease in the forecast profit of the ore-dressing combine on average by UAH 25-35 million. in year. This is due to a reduction in the overall quality of the ore flow caused by the increase in the range of quality fluctuations. The increase in the standard deviation per unit according to the rule \”3σ\” corresponds to the minimax index – 3% of the useful component content, i.е. the width of the oscillation band is increased by 3%.Keywords: ore flow of the quarry, the profit of the ore dressing combine, the standard deviation of the useful component, the grinding size.
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10. Азарян В.А. Анализ влияния технологических факторов на себестоимость производства железорудных ГОКов Украины / В.А. Азарян // Сборник трудов КТУ. – Кривой Рог, 2009.A manuscript entered release 17.03.15
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UDC 622.012:725.4-192
The standard values of survivability are such average values, at which the elements of the object\’s constructions pass to a qualitatively different condition. By definition, the standard values are invariants, since they do not depend on either the constructive type or the number of storeys of the object. They are used to formulate requirements for the level of structural safety of buildings (structures) when assessing the technical condition of their load-bearing frames. The actual probability of an object crash after the end of its construction increases by an average of two times compared with the probability laid down by default in the design object.
Based on the guidelines for the formal safety assessment, an analysis of the risk of emergencies in buildings and structures is performed. On the example of collapse of structures of a structure of a surface of the mining enterprise the criteria of reliability of nonrestorable elements of industrial objects of a surface of the mountain enterprises are considered. Expressions are derived for estimating the quantitative characteristics of the reliability of elements prior to the first failure.
Structural entropy serves as a measure of the disorder of the structure of the system. If a spatial construction is built up from individual elements, then the entropy of this system will be negative due to the influx of energy during erection, and the measure of uncertainty in the arrangement of individual elements increases. When erecting information grows in its scientific understanding, i.e. in the sense of increasing uncertainty. Uncertainty about the object is accepted in theory as information entropy. By the end of the construction of the construction, the information entropy reaches its maximum value. The inflow of energy at the time of manufacture corresponds to negative entropy. Thus, here the information entropy will be equivalent to negative structural entropy. It can be said that information entropy is a measure of uncertainty before its disclosure, about the presence and arrangement of nested elements and connections between them in the structure of the system. Thus, structural uncertainty is closely related to information entropy. To simplify the calculations, the hierarchy in defect formation should be described with the help of information entropy.Keywords: safety assessment, industrial facilities, information entropy.
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UDC 662.341.012: 662.85
The completeness of the development of rocky ore deposits emerging on the earth\’s surface in mining is provided by combining open and underground mining methods. Depending on the order of the open and underground works, the technologies are divided into three groups: open – underground; underground-open; open and underground methods simultaneously;
The article is devoted to the problem of increasing the completeness of development of rock ore deposits by combining open and underground mining methods. It is shown that with simultaneous production of open and underground works in the vertical plane, the completeness of subsoil use is determined by the behavior of ore-bearing arrays under the influence of natural and man-made stresses. It has been determined that the main risk factor for combining technologies is the deformation of the run-of-mine rock massif and the risk mitigation measures are defined: pre-project evaluation of the geomechanical state, forecasting its change during field development, and control of deformation processes development and management. As objective criteria for completeness of subsoil use, losses and dilution of ores are recommended, and as a result, the amount of ore extraction from the subsoil. A method is proposed for estimating the dynamics of the properties of an array by comparing physical and mechanical properties of rocks before and after filling the technological cavities with hardening mixtures. It is proposed to introduce correcting coefficients into the model of the array management, which allows to distinguish the characteristic zones of the deposit for optimization of development indices. It is substantiated that the general criterion for the efficiency of the combined technologies is to anticipate the reduction in the cost price of ore extraction over the reduction of the metal content in commodity ore for the combined methods. It is proposed to cut out a part of the deposit intended for the underground method to geomechanically safe areas, taking into account the state of the part of the deposit that is being worked by the open works. The on-board content of the useful component in the ore, at which the contouring of the reserves and the minimum industrial content of the useful component is carried out, is recommended to be determined from the balance-of-values equation over the open and underground sections of the field.Keywords: ore, deposit, combination of technologies, mining, terrestrial surface, pressure, deformations, hardening mixes, durability, waste, management, file, tails, metals.
1. Прокопов А.Ю., Разоренов Ю.И. К методике комбинирования традиционных и инновационных технологий добычи металлов / А.Ю. Прокопов, Ю.И. Разоренов // Цветная металгия.М.2011.№4. – С.41-44.
2. Комащенко В.И., Голик В.И., Дребенштедт К. Влияние деятельности геолого-разведочной и горнодобывающей промышленности на окружающую среду. Монография. М.:КДУ.2010. – С.356 с.
3. Голик В.И., Петин А.Н., Комащенко В.И. Экологизация геологической среды отработкой запасов некондиционных металлических руд. Научные ведомости Белгородского государственного университета. – Белгород, 2012. – № 12.
4. Голик В.И., Комащенко В.И. Природоохранные технологии управления состоянием массива на геомеханической основе / В.И. Голик, В.И. Комащенко // М.: КДУ.2010. С.-556.
5. Комащенко В.И. Инновационные технологии приготовления твердеющих смесей / В.И. Комащенко // Вестник РУДН . М. 2008. №3, С. 12-18.
6. Голик В.И., Ляшенко В.И., Козырев Е.Н. Комбинированные технологии добычи полезных ископаемых с подземным выщелачиванием / В.И. Голик, В.И. Ляшенко, Е.Н. Козырев // М: Горный журнал. 2008 г. № 12 С. 25-29.
7. Golik V., Komashchenko V., Morkun V. Feasibility of using the mill tailings for preparation of self-hardening mixtures / V. Golik, V. Komashchenko, V. Morkun // Metallurgical and Mining Industry, 2015, №3, pp. 38-41.
8. Golik V., Komashchenko V., Morkun V. Innovative technologies of metal extraction from the ore processing mill tailings and their integrated use / V. Golik, V. Komashchenko, V. Morkun // Metallurgical and Mining Industry, 2015, №, p.p. 49-52.
9. Vladimir Golik, Vitaly Kоmashchenko, Vladimir Morkun Geomechanical terms of use of the mill tailings for preparation / Golik Vladimir, Kоmashchenko Vitaly, Morkun Vladimir // Metallurgical and Mining Industry, 2015, No4, p.p. 322-324.A manuscript entered release 14.06.15
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UDC 622.271
Passivation represents one of the varieties of separation of block stone during its production by borehole methods. Technologically, it is implemented as a process of preliminary drilling of hollow tapes by belt drilling machines with subsequent splitting by mechanical wedges or hydrocolins at the mouth of the hollows. This method is much cheaper compared to diamond-channel cutting, but not without defects. During passivation, they perform an equal chip on a given plane, separating, as a rule, a part of a roughly shaped stone. The problem of the effective use of the choral branching method during sailing is precisely in the uncontrolled process of development and distribution of trunk cracks from the place of application of loads (the mouth of the hollows) and the high probability of the diagonal shearing in the thinnest part of the block. The complexity of the process of passing blocks of stone is that a relatively thin layer of stone is subject to the separation, which in many cases is difficult to evenly separate. This restriction requires the disclosure of the crack growth mechanism in the subdynamic mode of fracture along the scheduled cut-off line and taking into account the height of the block, which provides a qualitative chip and a minimum thickness of the separation layer.
The analysis of the state, achievements and disadvantages in the theoretical substantiation of the technology, which ensures the production of high-quality products from high-strength rocks, is carried out. Specifically defined problems of further development of theoretical foundations of destruction of the crystalline medium represented by facing stone. The physical-mechanical parameters of rock samples and the influence of their properties on the processes of formation and growth of micro-and macro craters in a monolithic mineral medium are investigated. The article describes the essence of the theoretical approach to solving the problem and methods of experimental verification of the adequacy of the initial assumptions and the underlying research idea. An analytical model of the process of passage of blocks of natural stone is considered. The permissible geometric parameters of the process are substantiated, in which the controlled chipping of a stone of a given quality is provided. The mathematical model of the creation of a model of subdynamic destruction of crystalline rocks on the basis of the energy approach is considered. The directions of further research of the indicated processes are determined.Keywords: natural stone, crystalline environment, blocks, cracks, splitting, stress, passivation, mathematical modeling.
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15. Кальчук С.В., Шлапак В.О. Обґрунтування параметрів пасирування блоків каменю в кар\’єрі квазістатичними методами відколу. Вісник НУВГП: Зб. наук. праць. – Рівне, 2014. – Випуск 2 (66). – С. 127-133.
6. Жуков С.О., Кляцький В.І., Кальчук С.В. Математичне моделювання спрямованого руйнування природного каменю в субдинамічному режимі. Вісник Криворізького національного університету. Збірник наукових праць. Кривий Ріг: КНУ, 2014. – Випуск 36. – С. 40-44.
17. Кальчук С.В. Особливості формування поля напружень при видобуванні блочного облицювального каменю. Вісник Національного технічного університету України «КПІ». Серія «Гірнича справа». Київ: НТУУ КПІ, 2014. – Випуск 26. – С. 80-84.A manuscript entered release 28.03.15
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UDC 621.396.969
The perspective improving the blast furnace charging technology is considered, which consists in mixing the charge materials prior to being fed into the furnace. It is shown that the principal solution of the task of controlling the mixing of components is to measure the geometric parameters of a portion on a conveyor in real time. The obtained value of the material layer height on the conveyor is necessary to calculate the current capacity of the conveyor loading.
It is shown that the second volume of the material located on the belt is directly proportional to the average cross-sectional area and the speed of the belt. The shape of the cross section of the dose of charge materials on the tape is determined on the assumption that the material is located on the tape by a layer bounded above and below by arcs of a circle. In this case, the tangents of the upper bounding arc passing through the points of intersection with the tape are inclined to the horizontal at the angle of the natural slope of the material.
Expressions are obtained for determining the numerical value of the geometric parameters of the charge material charge on the conveyor. Experimental studies were carried out with the measurement of the height of the dose layer of charge materials on the conveyor in various sections. As a result of processing the oscillograms of recording the height of the layer of materials, numerical values of the height of the doses of the charge materials were obtained. The results of the loading performance of the conveyor by the agglomerate confirmed that the calculations of seconds volumes are quite accurate. A technique is proposed for calculating the second volume of the charge based on the information about the loading height of the conveyor, which makes it possible to establish the character and magnitude of the uneven loading of the conveyor by coke, agglomerate and pellets per unit time.
The results of the loading performance of the conveyor by the agglomerate, determined on the basis of the indications of three dose geometry sensors, were obtained, it was confirmed that calculations of seconds volumes using the proposed expressions are quite accurate. So, for example, at a dose of agglomerate in 22 m3, the error in calculations was less than 1.5%. When determining the second volume on the basis of a single dose geometry sensor, the error was 5.5%.Keywords: blast furnace, conveyor, charge, agglomerate, parameters.
1. Влияние смешивания железорудного сырья с коксом на газодинамические условия и технико-экономические показатели доменной плавки / В.И. Логинов, А.Л. Берин, С.М. Соломатин [и др.] // Сталь. – 1977. – №5. – С. 391-394.
2. Работа доменной печи при совместной загрузке железорудных материалов и кокса в скип / В.И. Логинов, С.М. Мусиенко, Д.В.Воронков [и др.] // Сталь. – 1987. – №12. – С.7-12.
3. Праздников А.В., Клоцман Е.Я., Шутылев Ф.М., Головко В.И. и др. «Способ подачи шихтовых материалов в доменную печь». Авторское свидетельство СССР № 694446. МПК С21В7/20. Заявка № 2380955. Приоритет изобретения 01.07.1976г. Опубликовано 30.10.1979 бюл. № 40.
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7. Пат.79643 Украина, МПК(2013.01) С21В7/00, С21В7/04,(2006.01). Способ подачи шихтовых материалов в доменную печь / Верховская А.А., Головко В.И., Иващенко В.П., Рыбальченко М.А; заявитель и патентообладатель НМетАУ (Украина) – № U201213017; заявл. 15.11.12; опубл. 24.04.13,Бюл.№8.
8. Поляков Н.С., Штокман И.Г. Основы теории и расчеты рудничних транспортних установок. Научно-техническое издательство литературы по горному делу: М., 1962.A manuscript entered release 14.04.15
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UDC 62 – 503.56:622.73
The research results of the method of optimal control enrichment of technological varieties of iron ore raw materials are presented. The analysis of used approaches to optimal automated control of mills of the first crushing and criteria for evaluating the efficiency of the grinding process is performed. In the process of research, the main regulatory influences are: the consumption of ore and water in the mill; as the baseline guiding indicators – the iron content in the tails of the first stage of enrichment and the content of iron in the concentrate. The comparative analysis of the transient processes of the control system and the system response to random input signals are calculated and performed. The work of the control system with the use of modal regulators and classical PID regulator is investigated. The parametric synthesis of control was carried out and the computer model of the system was developed in the Simulink environment. The schemes of connecting the three regulators and the results of the simulation of the control of the first stage of enrichment using modal, astatic modal, and PID-regulators are presented. A comparative analysis of the results of the simulation of iron content in the tails was performed.
Methods of optimal adjustment of regulators are proposed in the work. In this paper it is noted that the optimal are considered tuned regulators, which correspond to the minimum (or maximum) of a certain quality indicator, which is set based on technological requirements. Optimal parameters are selected for each regulator and as a result of the comparative analysis of the transient characteristics of control systems with different regulators it is established that the extreme regulator is the best, the use of which allows to increase the efficiency of the stage by 2.5% and reduce the average deviation of the cost of ore from 27 to 10%. The paper describes a method for optimal control of the mill filling, according to which the regulation of the shredding medium (balls) and the material (pulp) in the volume of the drum mill is based on the measurement of the non-main parameter – the power consumed by the electric motor. The method of optimal control of the work of the self-crushing mill, which includes changing the supply of primary consumption and crushed bodies, the search for the extreme power of the electric drive of the mill and the measurement of the weight of the material in the mill is proposed in the work.Keywords: iron ore, enrichment, concentrate, modal control.
1. Пивень В. А. Экономическая эффективность повышения качества горно-металлургического сырья / В. А. Пивень, Г. В. Шиповский, Н. И. Дядечкин // Горный журнал, 2003. – №9. – С. 57-58.
2. Губін Г. Г. Гірничо-металургійний комплекс України між кризами / Г. Г. Губін, А. Г. Губіна // Вісник КТУ, 2010. – Вип. 25. – С. 218-224.
3. Нестеров Г.С. Технологическая оптимизация обогатительных фабрик / Г.С. Нестеров– М.: Недра, 1976. – 120 с.
4.Тимченко О., Меденець Я., Стрепко О. Методи налаштування регуляторів/ О. Тимченко, Я. Меденець, О. Стрепко // Українська академія друкарства.-2013.- С. 54-59.
5. Пат. 933111 СССР, кл. В 02 С 25/00. Способ оптимального управления заполнением мельниц измельчаемым материалом и измельчающей средой / Кузнецов П. В., Тихонов О. Н., Андреев Е. Е. и Ольховой В. А.; заявитель Всесоюзный ордена Трудового Красного Знамени научно – исследовательский и проектный институт механической обработки полезных ископаемых. – № 2577435; заявл. 09.02.78; опубл. 07.06.82, Бюл. №21.
6. Пат. 466047 СССР, кл. В 02с 25/00. Способ автоматической оптимизации процесса помола сырья в барабанных мельницах мокрого самоизмельчения/ Марюта А. П., Воронов В. А.; заявитель Днепропетровский ордена Трудового Красного Знамени горный институт им. Артема. – №1779086; заявл. 30.04.72; опубл. 05.04.75, Бюл. №13.
7. Пат. 740281 СССР, кл. В 02 С 25/00. Способ управления работой мельницы самоизмельчения / Кузнецов П. В., Тихонов О. Н., Андреев Е. Е. и Трушин А. А.; заявитель Всесоюзный ордена Трудового Красного Знамени научно – исследовательский и проектный институт механической обработки полезных ископаемых. – № 2542411; заявл. 09.11.77; опубл. 15.06.80, Бюл. №22.
8. Пат. 1222312 СССР, кл. В 02 С 25/00. Способ автоматического управления агрегатом мокрого измельчения с замкнутым циклом / Андреев.Е. Е., Бойко А, Ю., Златорунская Г, Е, Кузнецов П. В., Матвеев В, Н., Миллер Г, В., Тихонов О. Н. и Щеклеин Е, С.; заявитель Ленинградский горный институт им. Г. В. Плеханова. – №1678454; заявл. 11.04.89; опубл. 23.09.91, Бюл. №35.
9. Xiaoling Huang. Production Process Management System for Production Indices Optimization of Mineral Processing / Xiaoling Huang, Yangang Chu, Yi Hu, Tianyou Chai // IFAC – Research Center of Automation, Northeastern University, Shenyang, P.R.China 110004. – 2005.
10. Азарян А. А. Автоматизация первой стадии измельчения, классификации и магнитной сепарации – реальний путь повышения эффективности обогащения железных руд / А. А. Азарян, Ю. Ю. Кривенко, В. Г. Кучер // Вісник Криворізького національного університету, 2014. – Вип.36. – С. 275-280.
11. Вилкул Ю.Г. Анализ качества и объёмов добычи железорудного сырья в Украине / Ю. Г. Вилкул, А. А. Азарян, В. А. Колосов // Вісник Криворізького національного університету, 2014. – Вип. 36. – С. 13-18.
12. Нестеров Г.С. Технологическая оптимизация обогатительных фабрик / Г.С. Нестеров – М.: Недра, 1976. – С. 64.
13. Ким Д. П. Теория автоматического управления. Т.2 Многомерные, нелинейные, оптимальные и адаптивные системы: учеб.пособие./ Д. П. Ким – М.: ФИЗМАТЛИТ,2004. – 464с.
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15. Олійник В.П. Принципи оптимальності. Рівняння Беллмана / В.П. Олійник // Вінницький національний аграрний університет. – 2013. – 34.
16. Колотілін В.М. Оптимальні системи керування електроприводом промислових установок: конспект лекцій / В.М. Колотілін. – 2014.
17. Методические указания с дисциплины «Теория нелинейных систем автоматического управления» ONLINE.– Режим доступу до електронного ресурсу: manuscript entered release 14.04.15
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UDC 628.518.002.5
A wide application in modern thermal and galvanic shops for the removal of harmful emissions from baths for various purposes was found by slotted side pumps. At the same time, it is important to supply and remove optimal air volumes from airborne suction. Insufficient amount of air being removed will not allow localizing the released harmfulness, excessive – will result in energy overexposure. In this connection it is required to develop a more reasonable method for calculating the volumes of supply and exhaust air. With an open bath width of more than 0.6 m, it is economically justified to use the \”blow-suction\” system, which creates an air-jet cover for the bath. The ways of specification of the air intake and exhaust air consumption of the onboard suction with blowing to improve the efficiency of catching harmful emissions, saving energy resources and more reasonable selection of ventilation equipment are considered. The analysis of researches and publications in domestic and foreign sources is made. Reliable data on the required air flow in the supply jet and slot airborne suction can be obtained on the basis of mathematical modeling of the process under consideration. The process of operation of airborne suction with blowing was analyzed on the basis of a planar picture of the interaction of three currents: an upward flow of harmful emissions, a flat inflow jet and a flow caused by the work of the suction slot of the onboard suction. Dependencies are obtained for calculating the flow rates of the supply and exhaust air of activated airborne suction. The dependence of the volume of extracted air on the velocity of the ascending flow of harmful emissions is established. To verify the results of the theoretical studies carried out, a computer experiment was carried out using computer programs. Comparative calculations of ventilation air flow for the existing process equipment – oil quench tank in the thermal compartment are performed. In this case, well-known techniques and the dependences obtained by the author were used. The results of calculations showed a significant divergence of the volumes of supply and exhaust air. Recommendations are formulated to optimize the design of the activated quench tank suction. To reduce the impact of unorganized air flows in the production room on the operation of blowing and airborne suction at the ends of the tank, it is proposed to provide vertical air-permeable screens.
Keywords: airborne suction, blowing, parameters, ventilation air.
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UDC 622.732.41
One of the most important indicators of the efficiency of production activities in the mining industry is the quality of iron ore. In terms of quality, iron ore Kryvbas significantly inferior to the world\’s largest producers of similar products. Perfection of technology and technology of enrichment and averaging of commodity production of iron ore requires the development of optimal regimes that take into account the dependence of the final results on the characteristics of raw materials and the main parameters of the enrichment process. Enrichment allows to significantly increase the iron content in blast furnaces of blast furnaces, improve iron reduction conditions, reduce slag yield, thereby improving the kiln stroke and reducing coke consumption with increasing productivity. It was found that in average melting conditions, an increase in the iron content in the charge by 1% makes it possible to increase the productivity of the furnace by 2-2.5% with a decrease in the specific coke consumption by 2-2.5%.
The economic potential of Ukraine largely depends on the state of the iron ore industry. At present, in the extraction of iron ore raw materials, losses of ores with an average iron content of up to 57% make up the seventh part of the total volume, and clogging with host rocks with an iron content of 37.5% makes up a sixth of the total ore production.
In conditions of raw material shortage, the involvement in the production and processing of poor ores and industrial waste is a real opportunity to increase production and ensure more rational use of mineral resources. In particular, the reduction of the threshold for the mass fraction of iron in the initial ore to 40% will increase the reserves of iron ore in Kryvbas by 2.05 times. It was found that when enriching in a heavy suspension and enriching with the X-ray radiometric method, extraction of a useful component is higher than using a dry magnetic method of enrichment and dressing enrichment.
Comparison of the economic feasibility of various methods of enrichment, including the basic version, showed a clear predominance of the radiometric method of enrichment over the others listed in the article.Keywords: hematite ore, enrichment methods, X-ray radiometric method, iron ore industry.
1. Азарян А.А. Оперативный контроль качества минерального сырья с использованием рассеянного гамма-излучения. Разработка рудных месторождений: НТС.- Кривий Ріг: Мінерал, №93, 2010 –с.153-158.
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13. Салищева Е.П., Шикаренко С.Ф. Флотация железных руд подземной добычи Кривбасса // Обогащение и окускование руд черных металлов.-М.: Недра.-1970.-Вып.11.-С.81-94.
14. Губин Г.В., Губин Г.Г. Переработка и обогащение полезных ископаемых.- Кривой Рог :Минерал,1997.-131 с.A manuscript entered release 14.04.15
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UDC 621: 622.276
For qualitative demarcation of strata in oil and gas wells, mainly cement slurries are used, in which portland cement is the main binding material. Depending on the chemical and mineralogical composition, oil well cements are divided into classes for different temperature operating conditions from 288 to 423 K. The actual task is the development of heat-resistant oil-well plugging materials with high technological properties based on low-active compositions in order to improve the quality of delineation of rocks and oil and gas horizons in deep wells.
The characteristic of factors influencing the quality of demarcation of reservoirs is given. The analysis of cementation quality of casing strings at drilling enterprises of Ukraine is carried out. New heat-resistant plugging materials are proposed, which expand upon hardening, for cementing deep wells. Today, a wide range of low-active calcium-containing components is known, which are present in wastes of metallurgical, energy, mining and chemical industries (slags, sludges, cinder, ash, dust, burnt rocks, etc.). Cements based on these materials are the most economical and heat-resistant. Today, the most thoroughly investigated ways of using the ash of oil shale, stone and brown coal. Their application develops in three main directions: the use of ashes as a raw material component in the production of clinker, the use as an active mineral additive for cements, in the production of building parts in autoclave processing with the use of astringent properties of ash.
On the basis of the conducted studies, it has been established that a mixture of ash of high calcium content, which contains an astringent base – free calcium oxides and acidic ash, which contains active silica, can be the basis of heat-resistant plugging materials.
Investigations of physical and mechanical properties found that the optimal ratio of ash mixtures is a formulation containing 30-70% ash of high-calcium and 70-30% ash acid.Keywords: cement sheath, heat-resistant cement of material, hydrothermal action.
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UDC 622.74.913.3
For the steel industry of the countries of the world is characterized by a constant increase in the volume of extraction and dressing of ores. At the same time, on the one hand, the mass fraction of iron in the ore mined is constantly decreasing, but on the other hand, the requirements to the quality of iron concentrates are increased.
The decrease in the mass fraction of iron in the extracted ore is associated with the involvement of most of the ores with dispersed and very fine ore dissemination into the processing. To compensate for the deterioration of the quality of ore in factories, the technological schemes of grinding and dressing become more complex. Improving the quality of concentrates with increasing production volumes and the proportion of ore that is difficult to digest is impossible with the available enrichment schemes and the amount of equipment. The use of fine screening to improve the quality of concentrate magnetite allows to obtain higher processing parameters of enrichment by avoiding the entry of large, light, poor particles into a fine fraction, which occurs when hydrocyclones are used.
The possibility of obtaining a high-quality concentrate during the enrichment of modern magnetite quartzite of SevGOK with improved processing technology is considered. On the basis of the research, an improved technological scheme of enrichment with the introduction of a thin screening operation was proposed. To obtain a high-quality concentrate, the main task is to increase the efficiency of magnetite quartzite enrichment, to develop new rational or improve existing technologies for dressing magnetite ores using fine screening. Technical progress in constructive solutions of modern screens, as well as the development of wear-resistant grids that are not clogged, made the use of thin screening in technological schemes of concentrating mills economically feasible. As a result of a detailed analysis of thin screening equipment offered by both foreign and domestic companies, it was identified as the best option for using Derrick\’s high-frequency screen of the Stack Sizer model. According to the results of the conducted research, on the ore of the current production of SevGOK with the full implementation of the fine screening operation on the Derrick StackSizer screens, the possible production of a high-quality and competitive concentrate on the iron ore market with an iron content of more than 67%. The possibility of obtaining a concentrate with an iron content of more than 67% is shown in the introduction of fine screening into the technology of the SevGOK magnetite quartzite enrichment for current production using the Derrick Stack Sizer ™.Keywords: high-quality concentrate, screening, enrichment, magnetite quartzites.
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[themify_button style=\”large gray block\” link=\”\” color=\”3b3b3b\” text=\”f6f6f6\”]View the article[/themify_button]
UDC 622.7: 622.765.06
To date, the issue of complex enrichment of raw materials of Ukrainian deposits is very topical. After all, almost all types of minerals contain several minerals and, therefore, the technology of their processing can be considered from a position of complex use, that is, not just one but several commodity products. Complex enrichment of raw materials will ensure a more complete use of resources, which in turn will affect the profitability of mining and metallurgical enterprises. Today Zavalievsky combine produces 25 kinds of graphite products. The recycling of overburden will improve the profitability of this enterprise by obtaining other types of marketable products, as well as improve the ecological condition of the adjacent areas. Therefore, the development of technology for the integrated use and enrichment of the Zavalievsky field is a very relevant scientific and practical task. The analysis of the developed and implemented technologies for the enrichment of biotite-garnet gneisses has been carried out, and the advantages and disadvantages of the technologies for enriching graphite ores have been revealed. As a result, the optimal scheme for the enrichment of biotite-garnet gneisses was chosen. The mineralogical and chemical composition of the investigated sample of the biotite-garnet gneiss of the Zavalievsky deposit is studied. The possibility of obtaining a finished concentrate by means of gravitational, wet and dry magnetic enrichment was investigated. The optimal technology for processing biotite-garnet gneiss was established, according to which garnet concentrate was obtained, which meets the requirements of industry. The results of graphite ore enrichment according to the chosen scheme and with the established reagent regime are presented.
The processing of weathered biotite-garnet gneiss under laboratory conditions, according to the scheme of dry magnetic-electric enrichment, which included large, medium and fine crushing of the initial gneiss up to 1 mm, the main magnetic separation in a high-intensity field, the cleaning in a magnetic field of the same intensity of industrial product , the main separation and electric separation of the combined concentrate of magnetic separation ensured the production of a garnet concentrate with a garnet content of 92.51% and a biotite of 1.7% with the removal of a garnet of 91.72%, quartz-field patented product with a quartz content of 63.44% and iron oxide of 9.76% and biotite-quartz-feldspot tails in the amount of 8.51%.Keywords: raw materials, graphite ores, concentration, concentrate, magnetic separation.
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UDC 622.34: 658.562
The ore flow of minerals in ore raw materials can be imagined as an orderly sequence of values of observation volumes with the corresponding quality of ore and minerals in ore raw materials, that is, as a temporary dynamic range of the quality of ore and minerals in ore raw materials.
The research of technological and structural schemes of the formation of ore mineral flows in ore raw materials and identification of the functions of elements in relation to the types of elementary transformations considered, allows to build models for the formation (transformation) of the quality of ore and minerals in ore raw materials. The structure of a single element of the ore mineral flow in ore raw materials is determined under general and long-term planning, taking into account the disclosure scheme and the order of mining, deposit, ore body or mineral area, horizons, floors, panels, blocks. It is proved that in the current planning, the structure of a single element depends on the development system, is applied, the technology and organization of delivery, transportation, storage and shipment, and in the course of production processes, a partial or complete fusion of ore flows and minerals in ore raw materials is produced from separate clearing faces to a uniform stream of ore and minerals in ore raw materials. The process of forming the quality of ore and minerals in ore raw materials is considered from the point of view of set theory, in which the entire deposit, deposit, ore body or a section of minerals is broken down into elementary blocks of a corresponding volume that are characterized by the quality of ore and minerals. The qualitative characteristics of a deposit, deposit, ore body or a section of minerals are presented as a temporary dynamic range of quality of ore and minerals in ore raw materials, ordered in space by a multitude of elements. This approach expands the possibilities of the method for predicting the process of forming the quality of ore and minerals in ore raw materials in ore flows and makes it possible to reliably estimate the controlled quality characteristics at management periods, exceeding operational ones, substantially increasing the accuracy of forecasting.Keywords: minerals, raw materials, ore flows.
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UDC 622.331
The extraction of peat as fuel and raw materials for a number of branches of industry and agriculture is becoming truly topical, and therefore it is necessary to prepare for such transformations in advance and immediately. Modern geoinformation systems make it possible to create universal catalogs of geographically related information in which it is possible to easily find the necessary information and process the available materials by mathematical or statistical methods. The aim of the study is to coordinate the improvement of the information base and milling peat production process by modernizing its swathing operation in the direction of reducing the losses of the finished product and improving its quality as a raw material for obtaining fuel products.
In the conditions of the collapse of the peat industry in Ukraine, energy problems are aggravated. In this regard, it is becoming increasingly important to search for all available fuel sources. This causes the return of interest to peat as fuel. Therefore, there was a need for an inventory of the peat fund, as well as in assessing the current state of peat resources and prospects for the development of the industry in the regions. For the structuring of such information, geoinformation databases are created. When they are developed, the peat fund is systematized, electronic interactive maps of peat deposits are created in the GIS format, a database of enterprises – possible consumers of peat products is formed, a tentative scheme of the territorial development of the industry is developed, and promising fields for peat extraction are extracted along the districts of the region. The databases are designed to record, evaluate and promptly inform users about the state of peat resources and can be used in the production activities of enterprises in the field of subsoil use, peat extraction and peat processing, in the economic evaluation of options for the use of peat resources and the assessment of environmental damage. Data on experimental studies of milling peat dewatering and the results of these experiments are given. The optimal conditions for peat drying and the corresponding technological solutions are substantiated. Directions for further research have been determined.Keywords: GIS technology, database, peat resources, analysis, dehydration, swathing, layers of peat.
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UDC 621.313.33
Today, asynchronous machines is a special group among electromechanical devices, which are most often performed with separate magnetic cores and windings. The magnetic interaction of the primary (stator) and secondary (rotor) systems largely determines the appropriate version of the design of the magnetic circuit of these systems.
Asynchronous motor, it is the most widespread electric machine in the world. Modes of operation in our production conditions are diverse, not always favorable to long-term operation of the machine. Also, the loads recommended by the manufacturer for the machine are not always maintained. In this regard, many machines fail for reasons related to operation. Due to this prevalence in our enterprises, many of them have their own repair shops for these machines. When an asynchronous motor arrives for repair, it is not always the machine that undergoes full defecation, which results in asynchronous motors with minor internal damages undergoing a full repair cycle. This leads to significant material costs. In this article, the main types of failures of deep-seated asynchronous motors and methods for their detection and defecation under production conditions are analyzed. Factors affecting the reliability of work, the intensity of failures after the repair of a deep-seated induction motor are analyzed. Recommendations for the repair of deep-seated induction motors are given.
If there is a sufficient number of machines and devices for removing and dismantling windings from the grooves, this allows the personnel, for the second reason, to keep the parameters according to the passport data. Otherwise, the winding is removed by the \”burning out\” method. This worsens the ecology in the shop, reduces the magnetic perceptibility of electrical steel and the operating parameters of the machines. Usually the value of the magnetic induction for an EM within the range Vo = 12 ÷ 2 T. Hence, the load current rated by the primary passport can be half as small as the magnetic induction decreases by 30-50%. Therefore, when performing the stator and rotor of machines of deep-seated asynchronous motor, it is necessary to check the steel and its losses during thermal processing during the burning process.Keywords: electric machine, induction motor, magnetic induction, stator, rotor.
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[themify_button style=\”large gray block\” link=\”\” color=\”3b3b3b\” text=\”f6f6f6\”]View the article[/themify_button]
UDC 621.92.004.93
The basis for ensuring the most important operational parameters of the perforators is the determination of the optimal parameters of parts and assemblies at the design stage. To date, the dominant factor of reliability is the provision of high precision parts and assemblies. For a normal machine robot, it is necessary that the parts and their surfaces occupy a certain position relative to each other in accordance with their functional purpose. Therefore, even at the design stage and the development of technological processes, in addition to calculating the details for strength and rigidity, it is necessary to produce a so-called geometric, dimensional calculation. The use of methods for calculating the dimensional chains can significantly reduce the time of technological preparation of production, as well as ensure the highest quality of assembly and operation of products.
A complex study of various factors affecting the robot perforators has been carried out. A formula is derived for calculating the linear dimensional chains of portable perforators, taking into account all types of loading of various parts involved in the process of generating a shock pulse. The tolerance of the initial link in the main linear dimensional chain is determined using the example of the portable perforator PP50B1, which ensures its durability and productivity.
The basis for ensuring these most important performance indicators is the determination of the optimal parameters of parts and assemblies at the design stage. Today, the dominant factor of reliability is the provision of high precision parts and assemblies. For a normal machine robot, it is necessary that the parts and their surfaces occupy a certain position relative to each other, corresponding to the functional purpose. At the design stage and the development of technological processes, in addition to calculating the details for strength and rigidity, it is necessary to produce a so-called geometric, dimensional calculation. Calculation of angular and linear dimensional chains that take into account all the factors acting in the course of machine operation ensure high productivity and durability already at the design stage, which will make it possible to make a metric model of the product and optimize the requirements for the accuracy of geometric parameters to ensure performance indicators within given limits with specified limits costs for production.Keywords: geometric calculation, shock impulse, portable hammer.
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8. О.Н. Калачев, Н.В. Богоявленский, С.А. Погорелов Графическое моделирование размерной структуры технологического процесса на электронном чертеже в среде AutoCAD// Вестник компьютерных и информационных технологий. М.: – 2012. – №5.– С.13-19A manuscript entered release 14.04.15
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UDC 621.316.765:621.314.632
The existing practical training of specialists in the field of the electric drive is recognized as insufficient, not allowing them to conduct independently a complex of adjustment works or works on elimination of refusals. All known virtual methods of research of electric drives are scaled in time therefore at the trained skills on use of the measuring and registering devices during the work on real installation don\’t develop, and also skills on work with real knots of control systems for control of the set drive modes. We propose a stand consisting of a real system of regulation and the model of the power drive to work without time scale, thus significantly closer to the actual laboratory setting drive. The structure of the laboratory stand on the basis of the engine of a direct current of independent excitement with the reversible thyristor converter is in details considered. It is proved that an optimal algorithm for the simulation of three-phase bridge converter operating at anchor chain is an algorithm which rooms include a thyristor and of the remaining thyristors allows you to choose the design scheme and carry out the integration of equations describing electric processes in the circuit detect a change in state of the thyristors and the transition to other design scheme. Given the discrete model and considered design scheme of three-phase bridge Converter in a normal mode switching thyristors and emergency mode, if false turn on of the thyristor during commutation. Mathematical model of the device – the solution of differential equations by numerical integration of the Runge-Kutta. Proposed hardware mathematical model based on the family of microcomputer ARM СortexTM fourth generation.
Keywords: laboratory stand, methods of research of electric drives, time scale, thyristor converter.
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UDC 622.788: 005.591.6
The production of high quality agglomerate and the maximum productivity of the sintering machine is possible only with the use of automatic control systems for the sintering process. One of the promising areas of automation of the process of batch sintering is the use of systems for optimizing its moisture content (СAОW). To control the moisture content of the charge, different methods are used: conductometric, based on measuring the electrical conductivity of moistened batch; thermal, based on the measurement of the thermal conductivity of the charge; neutron, based on the control of the slowing down of fast neutrons by hydrogen atoms, etc.
The purpose of this work is to study disturbing factors that reduce the efficiency of robots of the system of automatic stabilization of charge moisture (CAOW), and develop recommendations aimed at reducing their harmful effects.
According to the authors of the work, the most promising CAOW charge is the system proposed by the Novo-Kryvyi Rih GOK. The system under consideration realizes the method of sintering the charge, the feature of which is that, when the batch is automatically regulated, the moisture content of the batch is regulated. In this case, the speed of movement of the trolleys of the agglomeration machine is taken as the driving pulse. The agglomerator manually selects the supply of the required amount of water to humidify the charge, which is related to the current content of the charge in it, and includes the automatic stabilization of the burden layer and thermal ignition mode. After reaching the steady mode of operation, when the current actual parameters of the set values correspond to the set values, the system of automatic optimization of the moisture content of the charge CAOW is activated.
In the development of this system, the authors proposed a new system for automatically optimizing the moisture content of the agglomeration charge (CAOW), in which the correction is performed to the regulator by content in the charge mixture. At the same time, the duration of the sintering process is minimized by changing the speed of the sinter belt, which is carried out after stabilization of the end point of the sintering process.
The use of CAOW\’s automatic moisture optimization system allows us to provide optimal conditions for the sintering process of the agglomerate and, as a result, increase the productivity of agglomeration machines.Keywords: agglomeration сharge, automatic optimization, humidity, sintering.
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11. Новак С.Б. и др. Теория и практика управления агломерационном процессом. ЮГОК / Под редакцией В.А. Мартыненко. – Кривой Рог, 2006. –121 с.A manuscript entered release 14.04.15
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UDC 622.647.2: 681.518.54
Features of transportation of large-lump materials, the effect of their cargo flows on the durability of the elements are described in the paper. For the timely detection and replacement of worn out rollers, their permanent diagnosis is necessary. Most of the machine parts fail due to heavy wear and tear. This indicates that the design and operation of machines and mechanisms does not always use the most effective means of reducing friction and wear. In addition, the character of the transported produces a significant influence on the friction process. In this case, the modeling task will be to study the energy costs for changing the speed of the belt without load and to overcome the forces of internal friction, stretching the belt, rotating the rollers and drums.
To reduce the costs of repairs, overhauling of conveyors, as well as for the timely detection and replacement of worn roller bearings, a method for diagnosing the condition of rollers and drums is proposed. It is based on the rapid analysis of dynamic loads that occur in the electric drive in the starting mode, the estimation of energy costs for these processes. The study of electric power consumption for the dynamic processes that arise when the rollers or drums are malfunctioning is possible on the basis of a mathematical model for the start-up processes taking into account the masses of rollers and their state. Evaluation of the dynamic characteristics of the conveyor is done by modeling the dependencies connecting the speeds, the path of moving the tape on the head and auxiliary drums, rollers, the dynamic force in the belt with the magnitude and nature of the change in the driving force developed by the electric drive during the diagnosis and during the benchmark tests. Diagnosis according to the proposed method is carried out in a period of time when the rollers of the freight branch of the conveyor are alternately involved in rotation. At the moment of the beginning of the rotation by the tape of the tail drum, a complete information picture of the state of the rotating elements of the cargo branch will be obtained, and the possibility of diagnostics by this method will cease.Keywords: belt conveyor, drum, roller bearings, maintenance, costs.
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UDC 519.237.7: 621.771.065
Taking into account the specifics of metallurgical production, it should be noted that in the conduct of scientific research, the methods of automated regulation and management of technological modes of operation of hot rolling mills, the practical implementation of theoretical approaches remain a priority.
In the actual conditions of the technological process, it is impossible to accurately and adequately take into account all available initial information. Increasing the efficiency of production processes is impossible without improving and developing new methods of modeling. The use of mathematical models in the theory of rolling makes it possible to foresee the results of introducing some changes in the technology of the process or in the design of the rolling mill. This allows you to choose the optimal solution to the task, in this case, reducing energy costs, and indicates the relevance of the work. The temperature regime of rolling has a significant influence on the energy consumption and the quality of rolled products. Correctly selected thermal conditions depend on the initial temperature, the distribution of crimping on the stand, the rolling speed, the plastic properties of rolled products and the use of cooling agents.
To study the effect of deformation resistance on the technological parameters of the hot rolling process of wide strips using a complex of applied programs, a mathematical model was constructed and a planned numerical experiment was performed. The calculation of energy parameters of hot rolling is performed. Dependences of the deformation resistance on the rolling temperature for the most used grades of steel were established, which made it possible to correct their optimum chemical composition taking into account the temperature regime of rolling.
The temperature regime of rolling in continuous states reveals a significant influence on mechanical properties, resistance to deformation, structure and quality of rolled products. Simultaneously, the temperature regime affects the stress state, stability and profile of the rolls, determining the accuracy of rolling. Analysis of technical literature and patent documentation allows us to assert that up to 80% of patents and publications are devoted to the technology and technology of controlling the temperature regime of rolling by forced cooling of the billet with water, air and water-air mixtures. In other sources, presented materials on the technology and technology of controlling the temperature regime of rolling by lowering the temperature of heating the metal before rolling or changing the number of working stands used (continuous sheet rolling).Keywords: rolling, temperature regime, technologic parameters, mathematical model.
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11. Использование метода линии скольжения и теоремы о верхней границе для расчета случая сжатия со сдвигом листа. 1. Исследование прокатки с различными скоростями верхнего и нижнего рабочих валков / Mizutani T., Shiozaki H., Jimma T., Mikami M. – Coceй то како. Journal of Japan, Society for Technology of Plasticity,1982, vol. 23, N 258, p.p. 714 – 721.
12. Самойлюк О.А., Ткаченко Г.І., Шепель А.О. Дослідження об’єму осередку деформації при прокатуванні штаби у гладких валках / Вісник Криворізького національного університету. – Кривий Ріг: КНУ, 2014.- Вип. 37.- С. 187-192.
13. Федоринов В.А., Добряк С.К., Удовенко С.Н. Математическое моделирование основных показателей качества холоднокатаных лент и полос при прокатке на многовалковых станах // Удосконалення процесів та обладнання обробки тиском в металургії і машинобудуванні. – Краматорськ: ДДМА. – 2000. – С. 313–315.
14. Коновалов Ю.В. Справочник прокатчика. – Справочное изд. , в 2-х книгах. – Книга 1.- Производство листов и полос. – М. : «Теплотехник», 2008.- 640сA manuscript entered release 17.04.15
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UDC 691.322
The problem of the durability of concrete and reinforced concrete arose over a hundred years ago and with time, due to the enormous scale of application of these building materials, the severity and significance of this issue only increased. At present, multicomponent fine-grained concrete is actively used in construction. One of the advantages of the latter is the possibility of using local materials, including industrial wastes.
Field observations show that concrete building structures and structures become inadequate for further operation before the assigned time, as a result of the aggressive environment. In turn, this leads to additional costs for their repair, as well as for the construction of new facilities. Increase the corrosion resistance of such structures can be due to the rational choice of binders and the use of active aggregates. Effective methods to increase the corrosion resistance of concretes and structures based on them are the use of aggregates from waste from the mining and metallurgical industries. The latter make it possible to reduce the material consumption of aggregate production, improve quality, reduce the cost of production, partially solve the issue of recycling industrial waste. Now, in the literature, there are no clear scientifically grounded recommendations regarding the rational use of concretes with different active aggregates in those aggressive environments where their advantage is most evident.
Increase the resistance of concrete to the action of the main types of corrosion can be by using such active aggregates as blast-furnace slags, as well as phosphorus slags. Analysis of existing, currently experimental data on the resistance of fine-grained concretes on mining and metallurgical industry waste, the action of an aggressive environment allows one to draw the following, previous conclusions: the replacement of granite by a filler of hydraulically active materials, for example, blast-furnace granular slag, increases the corrosive durability of concretes in solutions of sodium and magnesium sulfates, as well as in acidic media; the use of wastes of mineral wool production, as a filler, leads to an increase in the resistance of concrete to the action of hydrogen sulphide aggressive medium in comparison with concrete on \”classical\”, inert aggregates.Keywords: corrosion, concrete, metallurgical industry, stability, granite.
1. В.М. Москвин, Ф.М. Иванов, С.Н. Алексеев, Е.А. Гузеев Коррозия бетона и железобетона, методы их защиты. – М.: Стройиздат, 1980– 536 с.
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4. Телесницкий, А.Ф. Влияние растворов серной кислоты на структуру вяжущего бетона в процессе эксплуатации / А.Ф.Телесницкий, Г.П.Тутаев //З ащита от коррозии в химической промышленности: сб. науч. тр. НИИ Технико- экономические исследования.– Черкассы, 1975.– Вып. 2. – С.112–116.
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19. Толыпина Н.А., Повышение коррозионной стойкости бетонов путём рационального выбора вяжущего и заполнителей: дис…. д-ра техн. наук: 05.23.05/ Толыпина Наталья Максимовна. – Белгород, 2014. – 354 с.
20. Курочка П.Н. Стойкость бетона в органических агрессивных средах: дис. …д-ра техн. наук: 05.23.05 / Курочка Павел Никитович.– Ростов-на-Дону, 2000.– 288 с.A manuscript entered release 02.04.15
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UDC 624.042.7
Annually in the territory of Ukraine seismologists record up to 100 earthquakes with insignificant magnitude. According to forecasts of scientists from the Institute of Geophysics of the NAS of Ukraine there is a high probability of an earthquake with an intensity of up to 9 points behind the Richter scale. The issue of seismic resistance of buildings has recently received a lot of attention. Existing buildings require careful examination of their technical condition and the development of an effective scheme of reconstruction and strengthening.
The purpose of the study is to determine and analyze the technical condition of existing long stone buildings, to identify damage and structural defects to assess the need to enhance their seismic resistance.
To assess the technical condition of the objects of the survey, full-scale examination with photographic fixation, analysis of available documentation, plans was applied.
To assess the technical condition of long stone buildings that are operated in conditions of seismic areas, several structures were considered in different regions of Ukraine: a residential house in Vinogradov (Zakarpattіa region), a railway station in Kozyatin (Vinnytsia region) and an administrative building COSPP in Odessa.
Studying the question of building up the territory of Ukraine, we can conclude that a significant part of the long stone buildings was built before the 1970s of the last century. These are facilities for various purposes – industrial, housing, administrative, etc. They also include architectural and historical sights of Odessa, Lviv and other cities. The vulnerability of long stone buildings to seismic influences, damage to structures during operation, the presence of technological processes and a large number of people in the event of an earthquake can cause not only significant material losses, but also human losses.
In the course of the study of the condition of existing long stone buildings, the results were obtained, which confirm the need for their thorough survey, confirmed by calculations and the development of effective methods of amplification. Given the insufficient study of the problem, many new problems appear for further investigation.Keywords: seismic resistance, masonry, construction.
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7. Earthquake-Resistant Design Concepts: An Introduction to the NEHRP Recommended Seismic Provisions for New Buildings and Other Structures. – Washington, DC: National Institute of Building Sciences., 2010. – 104 p.
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11. FEMA 356. Prestandard and commentary for the seismic rehabilitation of buildings. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Washington, D.C. – November 2000. (Престандарт та зауваження щодо відновлення сейсмостійкості будівель. Американське товариство цивільних інженерів, США)
12. Перелік видів діяльності та об’єктів, що становлять підвищену екологічну небезпеку (затверд¬ жений постановою Кабінету Міністрів України від 27 липня 1995 р. № 554).
13. Методика оцінки збитків від наслідків надзвичайних ситуацій техногенного і природного характеру (затверджена постановою Кабінету міністрів України від 15 лютого 2002 р. № 175).
14. Положення про паспортизацію потенційно небезпечних об’єктів (затверджене наказом м н е України від 18.12.2000 р. № 338 та зареєстроване в Мін’юсті України 1.09.2005 за № 970/11250).
15. Кодекс цивільного захисту України від 02.10.2012 р. № 5403-VI.
16. Порядок і правила проведення обов’язкового страхування цивільної відповідальності суб’єктів господарювання за шкоду, яка може бути заподіяна пожежами та аваріями на об’єктах підвищеної небезпеки, діяльність на яких може призвести до аварії екологічного і санітарно-епідеміологічного характеру (затверджені постановою Кабінету Міністрів України від 16 листопада 2002 р. № 1788).A manuscript entered release 11.04.15
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UDC 681.513.54: 622.788
To solve the problems of improving the systems of automatic control of nonlinear inertial objects, in particular technological processes of enrichment and processing of iron ore, methods of control theory based on predictive models (Model Predictive Control, MPC) have recently been widely applied. Control methods using the predictive model relate to a class of algorithms in which a dynamic model is used to predict and optimize a process in real time. The advantages of these methods are the relative simplicity of the feedback generation scheme and the high adaptive properties that allow the Quasioptimal control of nonlinear non-stationary objects with a complex structure in real time taking into account the constraints on control and output variables, take into account changes in the quality of control criteria during operation, and so on. . Positive experience in the practical use of management methods from predictive models allows us to consider them as an alternative to the use of classical parametric PI and PID regulators. Adaptive predictive control can be considered as one of the options for implementing adaptive optimal control, is a set of interrelated algorithms for evaluating the parameters of the control object, assessing its state and directly control generation algorithms. The management is formed by solving the optimization problem using the predictive model of the process directly during the operation of the control system (in real time). In this case, forecasting models of different classes and complexity can be used.
The article considers the development of a system for adaptive predictive control of pellet thermal processing with an operational estimation of process parameters using a recursive least squares algorithm. A model is developed for investigating the effectiveness of the application of the recursive least squares algorithm in the system of adaptive predictive control of the process of thermal processing of pellets and simulation in the Simulink package. The obtained system demonstrated high quality of operative estimation of process parameters, which allows to recommend the developed method of formation of adaptive predictive control for controlling the processes of heat treatment of pellets.Keywords: аdaptive predictive control, thermal treatment of iron-ore pellets, online parameter estimation, recursive least square algorithm.
1. Автоматизовані системи керування процесами термічної обробки котунів на конвеєрній випалюваній машині: монографія / В.Й. Лобов, Л.І. Єфіменко, М.П. Тиханський, С.А. Рубан. – Кривий Ріг: Видавець ФО-П Чернявський Д.О., 2015. – 250 с.
2. Поркуян О.В. Керування нелінійними динамічними об’єктами збагачувальних виробництв на основі гібридних моделей Гамерштейна : дис. … д-ра техн. наукйн: 05.13.07 / Ольга Вікторівна Поркуян. – Кривий Ріг, 2009. – 379 с.
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13. Михайленко О.Ю. Керування процессом дроблення руди з використанням блочно-орієнтованої прогнозуючої моделі / О.Ю. Михайленко // Технологический аудит и резервы производства. – 2015. – №4/3 (24). – С. 28–32.
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UDC 624.015
The purpose of the presented studies is the experimental study of pipe-concrete elements with a reinforced core; the development of methods for calculating the bearing capacity and the stress-strain state of such elements. Given the current state of construction and provision of its resources, the improvement of pipe-concrete structures by reinforcing the core core is an urgent and important task. Among all known methods, this is the most effective, both technologically and economically. At present, it is necessary to strengthen the economy regime, the efficiency of resource use, and reduce the material intensity in construction. Modern building structures must meet all the requirements of economy, resource-saving, which are required for construction. The main direction of their development is the reduction of steel consumption (14-16%), cement saving (10-12%) and saving of forest materials (12-14%). These tasks can be solved, including by reducing the material consumption and reducing the cross-section of structures, through a rational combination of concrete and steel in their joint operation and through the use of high-strength materials. These requirements are met by building structures from pipe-concrete. With a relatively small cross-section, such structures are able to withstand considerable effort, while the concrete, due to the volumetric stress state, perceives stresses that are significantly higher than the prismatic strength, which saves steel and concrete. Applying high-strength concrete, concrete, compacted by pressing, centrifugation, it is possible to obtain a significant savings in cement, because due to industrial technological factors of compacting the concrete mixture, the strength of concrete is significantly increased. Increase the strength of concrete can and through the use of indirect reinforcement, which allows for a small consumption of steel significantly improve the strength of structures. The improvement of the well-known effective industrial methods of hardening of concrete with respect to concrete cores of pipe-concrete building structures is an actual and important task. This article presents an experimental study of pipe-concrete elements with concrete cores reinforced with different methods; to develop methods for calculating the bearing capacity and stress-strain state of pipe-concrete elements with hardened cores.
Keywords: pipe concrete, reinforced concrete core, steel sheath, stresses, deformations, strength.
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